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Long-Term Implications of a DUI Conviction

Long-Term Implications of a DUI Conviction

Being convicted of violating Florida’s DUI law can have significant short and long- term effects on your life and can be an all-around hassle. The immediate ramifications of a DUI conviction include hefty fines, probation, or even jail time.  The information below explains some of the common long-term effects of a Florida DUI conviction.

Losing Your Job or Having Trouble Getting a New Job

In today’s competitive job market, employers are more likely than ever to research an employee or prospective employee’s criminal background. A DUI conviction is likely to have a negative impact on any employer’s hiring decision. Moreover, a person who is already employed is at risk of losing his or her job. This is especially true when the person’s job involves driving, such as with bus drivers, delivery drivers, or even engineers/surveyors who must drive to and perform site inspections.

Getting into a College, University, or Professional School

Virtually every application for higher education asks whether or not a prospective student has been convicted of a crime. Although, comparatively speaking, a DUI conviction is less significant than, say, a homicide conviction, it could still negatively impact a prospective student’s chances of getting into the college, university, or professional school of his or her choice.

Insurance Rate Hikes

In addition to losing one’s driver’s license, a DUI conviction will also most likely result in the driver’s car insurance premiums increasing significantly. Following a DUI conviction, it may be a long time before those rates are eventually reduced.

Personal Humiliation and Embarrassment

A DUI conviction can also be personally embarrassing and humiliating, and it can result in a great deal of inconvenience. Since a DUI conviction will most likely result in a driver’s license suspension, drivers may have to rely on family members or friends for transportation. Moreover, correctly or incorrectly, others are likely to assume that the involved driver has a drinking problem.

Call the Khonsari Law Group Today to Speak with a St. Petersburg DUI Defense Attorney

At the Khonsari Law Group, our experienced attorneys can help you to minimize the effects of a DUI charge or conviction. It is essential that you have representation early-on in your case. Our attorneys are familiar with Florida law and have the skill and experience required to bring your case to the best resolution possible. Please contact us today at 727-269-5300 for a free consultation or contact us online.

1 https://www.flhsmv.gov/driver-licenses-id-cards/education-courses/dui-and-iid/

2 https://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/

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